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Faculty Resources

National Science Foundation (NSF) Early Career Awards
The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation’s most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty. The Division of Community Affairs team will provide technical assistance and support to junior faculty interested in submitting a proposal to NSF. Interested non-tenured junior faculty interested in incorporating engaged scholarship into their research proposals should contact our office for technical assistance, understanding of funding expectation and feedback on proposals that they plan to submit.

NSF also provides funding for Postdoctoral Fellows.

Academic Journals
Community engaged scholarship is a new but growing research area.  These journals provide opportunities for publication.  Consider turning your service-learning experiences into scholarship opportunities.

The University of Alabama
The University of Alabama is concerned with the overall well-being of faculty and staff.  This page provides more information about possible resources.

Staff Resources

Office of Equal Opportunity

The University of Alabama