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Board of Advisors Newsletter


UA News for the Division of Community Affairs Board of Advisors

Winter 2023 BOA Newsletter

MARCH 2023

To connect you with what’s happening at the Capstone, we’ve gathered some recent news that may be of interest to you as alumni and as members of the Board of Advisors.

We plan to publish periodically, not only to keep you informed of what’s happening on campus, but also of what’s happening in the world of the BOA membership.

Person sitting on the steps of a building on a laptop

On Campus

Core Curriculum Reform Advancing.

Efforts to update the general education curriculum at The University of Alabama continue, with the appointment of Dr. Chapman Greer as associate provost for general education and the formation and launch of a steering committee with sub-committees seated with faculty and staff.

Building with columns

Of Note

6 Students, 3 Faculty Receive Premier Awards, UA’s Top Honors.

The University of Alabama recognizes six students and three faculty members for their outstanding contributions to the Capstone. The Premier Awards honor students, faculty and staff who exemplify the highest standards of scholarship, service, leadership and character.

Alabama Engineering Hall of Fame to Induct 2023 Class.

The following individuals will join the 215 who have been inducted into the Hall of Fame since its founding in 1987: Angel “Rey” Almodóvar, of Huntsville; Dr. Stuart Bell, of Tuscaloosa; Milton Davis Jr., of Birmingham; Tim McCartney, of Gadsden; Thomas Talbot, formerly of Birmingham; and Michael Wicks, of Huntsville.

UA Engineering Student Selected for Prestigious Aerospace Fellowship.

Lilly Saub, a University of Alabama junior majoring in aerospace engineering, is one of 47 undergraduate students in the nation selected for the Brooke Owens Fellowship, a nationally acclaimed nonprofit program that awards exceptional women and gender minorities with an internship in the fields of space and aviation.

Close up photo of a red flowering bush with green leaves

From the Division

The Crossroads Civic Engagement Center has embarked on a multi-year project to visit civic organizations across Alabama’s 67 counties. The goals for this initiative include building a network of civic leaders in Alabama, supporting local community associations, and sharing stories of the ongoing civic engagement efforts at the Capstone. Crossroads staff recently presented at the Jasper Rotary Club, Tuscaloosa Exchange Club, Enterprise Rotary Club, and Tuscaloosa League of Women Voters. To participate in this initiative, BOA members living in Alabama can contact Assistant Director Dr. Jackson Harris at to connect their county’s civic organization with Crossroads.

The Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship’s latest special issue, Engaged Scholarship: Sharing Views of Possible Futures for Extension and University-Wide Engagement is now available online.

Dr. Daniela Susnara represented BLAST Academy in a Round 2 interview for an Arts in Education Grant from the Alabama State Council on the Arts, from which the 2023 BLAST Academy was awarded a grant in the amount of $2,300. Additionally, Susnara secured a $1,000 Walmart Community Grant to support the 2023 Swim to the Top program.

Dr. Samory Pruitt represented UA by serving as one of four Grand Marshalls for the West Alabama Christmas Parade on Dec. 5, 2022.

Join us in welcoming… Charli Smith!

Charli Smith, who is joining Community Affairs as the administrative assistant in the Office of the Vice President for Community Affairs. In this role, she will provide high-level and confidential administrative support; will manage the Office of the Vice President for Community Affairs; and will oversee the maintenance of files, records and reports. She also serves as liaison to a diverse group including the administration, faculty, staff, students, parents, alumni and/or donors, key stakeholders and community partners. She earned the Bachelor of Arts degree in English with an emphasis in creative writing from The University of Alabama and the A.A.S. degree in drafting and design from Wallace State Community College.

Headshot of Charli Smith
Aerial photo of a campus building at night

Class Notes

Meet Jessica Sanders Walker, who recently accepted a nomination to join the Community Affairs Board of Advisors. She is vice president of operations at Sanders Aviation and Sanders Flight Training Center, a certified Part 141 flight training school that has grown from a small operation to a large-scale flight training school that boasts 20 airplanes, trains nearly 1,000 students each year and prepares them for commercial airline positions. To build a pipeline for the next generation of aviation professionals, Walker recently started Operation Aviation Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to introducing underrepresented individuals and underserved communities to aviation careers. Walker earned a BA degree in political science and government from The University of Alabama in 2007 and a master of public administration degree from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2010.

Meet Clay Armentrout, who recently accepted a nomination to join the Community Affairs Board of Advisors. Armentrout earned a BA in political science and government with a minor in computing technology and applications from The University of Alabama in 2012. He went on to earn his law degree from the Wake Forest University School of Law in 2015. He previously served as legislative director and counsel in the office of now-retired U.S. Senator Richard Shelby, and now serves as chief of staff for U.S. Senator Katie Britt.

Inaugural BOA president Katie Britt was sworn in as a U.S. Senator representing Alabama on Jan. 3, filling the seat formerly held by retired Sen. Richard Shelby.

Katie Britt

Congratulations to Dr. Porcia Love, who represented the BOA Public Health Committee at The McCollough Institute for Pre-Medical Scholars forum on Feb. 10. The McCollough Institute for Pre-Medical Scholars is part of UA’s College of Arts and Sciences.

As BOA members are also UA graduates, we know how invaluable your experience as UA alumni has been. If you have not already done so, please consider participating in your local alumni chapter.

Have news to share with us?

If you have not already done so, we encourage you to follow us on: Twitter at: @UACommAffairs and on Facebook at: @UACommunityAffairs, @UA.CCBP, @UACrossroads, @UAPTLA, @SavingLivesPhysicallyAndSpiritually

Additionally, did you know the Board of Advisors has its own Facebook group page? This is a place for you to connect with your fellow board members, as well as share news of potential interest to members of the group. Search “ua community affairs board of advisors” and ask to join the group. We’ll approve you right away!