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Board of Advisors Newsletter

FALL 2022

UA News for the Division of Community Affairs Board of Advisors

Fall 2022 BOA Newsletter


To connect you with what’s happening at the Capstone, we’ve gathered some recent news that may be of interest to you as alumni and as members of the Board of Advisors.

We plan to publish periodically, not only to keep you informed of what’s happening on campus, but also of what’s happening in the world of the BOA membership.

Person sitting on the steps of a building on a laptop

On Campus

UA Sets Record for Number of Small Classes.

In the relentless pursuit to create the best learning and teaching environments for students and faculty, The University of Alabama has made a concerted effort to reduce undergraduate class sizes in recent years. According to the latest enrollment census data, UA has made significant strides in this area.

A Sign of Things to Come.

Students, faculty and staff across campus work to continue making UA welcoming and inclusive to people who are deaf, culturally Deaf and hard of hearing.

Say Hello to OTIDE.

In September The Board of Trustees of The University of Alabama System approved a resolution for organizational changes and a renaming of the College to the Office of Teaching Innovation and Digital Education.

UA Celebrates Historic Fundraising Year.

The University of Alabama set a fundraising record for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, raising almost $226 million in charitable gifts and pledges from nearly 60,000 donors.

New MRI Research Facility at UA Ready for Transformative Research.

Several projects are lining up to take advantage of the capabilities offered by a recently installed MRI, helping researchers gain a deeper understanding of how the human brain works and future studies could involve orthopedic and sports medicine. With access to participants from rural, underserved communities, UA’s new MRI Research Facility will also expand the diversity of research data that could impact national studies.

Person using a computer showing scans of someone's brain

Faculty Pass General Ed Core Curriculum Reform.

University of Alabama faculty have passed a referendum to update the general education core curriculum to enhance the learning experiences for UA students. The new core will require 37 or 38 general education hours. Reducing the number of required core credits will give students greater flexibility to commit more time to their major(s), minor(s) and/or electives; pursue a double major; and take on experiential learning experiences such as internships, undergraduate research and study abroad.

Building with columns

Of Note

UA Earns HEED Award for Diversity Accomplishments.

The University of Alabama earned the Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award for the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’s work in making UA a more welcoming space for students, faculty and staff.

UA Researchers Hope to Spur Adoption of Greener Jet Fuel.

Engineering researchers at The University of Alabama are spearheading a project to demonstrate an innovative method to create jet fuel from plants, helping the airline industry meet goals for using a renewable fuel source and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Person working in a chemistry lab wearing safety goggles

UA CCHS Expands Health Care Across Alabama for 50 Years.

The University of Alabama College of Community Health Sciences is celebrating 50 years of responding to the acute need in the state for more physicians for the small towns and rural communities that have suffered from a serious lack of health care.

Close up photo of a red flowering bush with green leaves

From the Division

You Make UA Great Celebrates Campus Employees.

To thank employees for their contributions to The University of Alabama, UA hosted an evening of fun, activities and live entertainment for faculty, staff and their families during the inaugural You Make UA Great event, which took place Monday, Oct. 3 on the Quad.

Roll the Vote Encourages Voter Registration Ahead of Midterm Elections.

Encouraging UA students, faculty and staff to cast their ballots on Nov. 8, UA Vote Everywhere and the Crossroads Civic Engagement Center collaborated with campus partners located in the Student Center to host Roll the Vote, a multi-day voter registration and absentee ballot information drive held Sept. 26–29.

Vision Days Legacy Supports Students’ Success.

College is a time of transition for high school students, and the Vision Days Legacy program aids that transition by connecting students with resources and programs to support their success once they arrive at The University of Alabama.

Vision Days Hosts Inaugural FAFSA Night.

High school seniors are one step closer to graduation, thanks to Vision Days’ inaugural Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Night held in the Math and Science Education Building at The University of Alabama on Oct. 27.

Join us in welcoming…

Dr. Fran Oneal, who comes to the Community Affairs team as director of Global and Community Engagement. In this part-time role, she will lead the Global Café and Language Partners programs at the Center for Community-Based Partnerships.

Headshot of Dr. Fran Oneal

Elizabeth Hartley has accepted a new opportunity in the University’s Office of the President, beginning Nov. 14. We thank and applaud Elizabeth for assisting with the Division’s efforts throughout the past decade.

Aerial photo of a campus building at night

Class Notes

Inaugural BOA President Katie Boyd Britt was elected as the next U.S. Senator from Alabama following the 2022 midterm elections. We congratulate and wish her well as she heads to Washington, D.C., to serve the people of Alabama.

BOA member Prince Cleveland ran for the Alabama State House representing District 43. While not elected, we applaud his desire to serve the people of Alabama and look forward to what comes next.

As BOA members are also UA graduates, we know how invaluable your experience as UA alumni has been. If you have not already done so, please consider participating in your local alumni chapter.

Have news to share with us?

If you have not already done so, we encourage you to follow us on: Twitter at: @UACommAffairs and on Facebook at: @UACommunityAffairs, @UA.CCBP, @UACrossroads, @UAPTLA, @SavingLivesPhysicallyAndSpiritually

Additionally, did you know the Board of Advisors has its own Facebook group page? This is a place for you to connect with your fellow board members, as well as share news of potential interest to members of the group. Search “ua community affairs board of advisors” and ask to join the group. We’ll approve you right away!