Category: News

UA’s Pauline and Philip Johnson Define the Scholarship of Engagement

By Kirsten J. Barnes Graduate Assistant Center for Community-Based Partnerships (Editor's Note: Work by two engineering professors at The University of Alabama provides insights into the field of engaged scholarship, while also highlighting aspects of a sister discipline, service-learning.) Reflecting on their years at UA, the husband and wife engineering team of Dr. Philip Johnson…

Tucker: King’s Beloved Community Was About More Than Race

Transcript of the Martin Luther King Legacy Banquet Lecture, January 18, 2013, delivered by Cynthia Tucker, University of Georgia “Well, I’m not sure I can live up to that introduction that Dr. Mullins has given you. Thank you so much. I am delighted to be with you this evening. I am close to home, even…

2010-2011 Community Affairs Report

2010-2011 Community Affairs Report How to cite the report: Blackmon, A.T. & Reamey, B. (2011, September). Transformation through social innovation, engaged scholarship, collaboration, and partnerships. Division of Community Affairs. Retrieval date. University of Alabama.

Prize-winning Journalist to Deliver MLK Banquet Speech

By Kirsten J. Barnes, CCBP Graduate Assistant TUSCALOOSA — Cynthia Tucker knows firsthand why it’s important to remember the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who pastored a church 100 miles away in Montgomery, Ala., when she was growing up in Monroeville. Tucker, who won a Pulitzer Prize as editorial page editor of the…

Joseph and Lauretta Freeman Foundation Health Fair

Celebrating history, health and healthy living, UA’s Center for Community-Based Partnerships, Infrastructure Engineering Inc., Whatley Health Services and local service agencies present A Juneteenth Event – a Joseph and Lauretta Freeman Foundation health fair.  The event will provide free health screenings, educational workshops, healthy cooking practices, exercising ideas, a farmers market, medication therapy management and musical celebrations. Food,…

CCBP Summer Camp Helped Marengo County Student Choose Life’s Direction

By Kirsten J. Barnes CCBP Graduate Assistant What started out as a summer camp experience inspired 19-year-old D’Anthony Jackson to launch his own business, select a major in journalism and compete for a summer internship two years later at the UA Center for Community Based Partnerships (CCBP). After spending two summers as a participant with…

Third Annual 100 Lenses Creative/Leadership Camp Begins Sunday, June 10 on UA Campus

2012 Black Belt logo

TUSCALOOSA — The third annual Black Belt 100 Lenses Summer Camp begins Sunday, June 10. The University of Alabama campus will host 50 public and private high school students from the 12 counties of Alabama’s Black Belt region. The campers will develop a greater understanding and appreciation of the history and people of the Black…

Students engaging communities and changing lives.

The Division of Community Affairs student page is designed to serve as a resource for undergraduate and graduate students interested in developing as scholars in community engaged scholarship. DCA recognizes that in order for students to develop as scholars, they need access to financial resources to support their intellectual and scholarly development and a place to…

Black Belt Community Foundation Giving through Grants

The Black Belt Community Foundation supports groups working toward innovative change in communities within the Black Belt.  The Foundation provides monetary support through two grants.  Read more…

National Science Foundation Video Conference

The University of Alabama Division of Community Affairs in collaboration with the Office of Research hosted a National Science Foundation Grants Video Conference on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. CST in the Minerals Industrial Building (MIB) room 212. The conference provided an opportunity for NSF Program Directors to share the foundation’s…