2014 CCBP Awards Program Poster Presentations

The fifth annual poster presentation as part of the CCBP Awards Luncheon attracted 16 research posters and a large viewing crowd.

The fifth annual poster presentation as part of the CCBP Awards Luncheon attracted 16 research posters and a large viewing crowd.

Graduate student Antonio Gardner, left, and Carol Agomo of the Office of Community Affairs were among those presenting research posters at the eighth annual CCBP Awards Luncheon. Their poster described the Saving Lives program, a faith-based wellness program.

Graduate student Antonio Gardner, left, and Carol Agomo of the Office of Community Affairs were among those presenting research posters at the eighth annual CCBP Awards Luncheon. Their poster described the Saving Lives program, a faith-based wellness program.

(Dr. Angelia Paschal, associate professor of Health Science, was chair of the poster committee. Tommie Syx, CCBP, assisted.)

Carol Agomo, Community Affairs, with Antonio Gardner, graduate student, Community Affairs. Title: Saving Lives.

Emily Broman, Honors College. Title: Art to Life: Preservation of Personhood.

Jackie Brodsky, graduate student, Communication and Information Sciences. Title: Partnering with Community Agencies to Improve Information Access.

Douglas Craddock, graduate student, with Dr. Samory Pruitt, Carol Agomo, and Ms. Tommie Syx, all Community Affairs. Title: STEM Entrepreneurship Academy.

Christine Hackman, graduate student, and Hannah Priest, graduate student, Department of Health Science. Title: Holt Community Festival: Establishing a Community Partnership and Engaging an Underserved Community in Health Promotion Activities for Children.

Meaghan James, graduate student, with Dr. Angelia Paschal, Department of Health Science. Title: Partnering with Community Agencies to Address Health Literacy Issues among Parents of Children with Epilepsy.

Dr. Bronwen Lichtenstein, Department of Criminal Justice. Title: Ajani Groups: A Community-Based Project to Reduce HIV Stigma.

Dr. Sara McDaniel, College of Education. Title: TEAMS+ (Tuscaloosa Encouraging Adolescents through Mentoring and Support).

Dr. Melanie Miller, Center for Community-Based Partnerships. Title: SCOPE.

Dr. Michele Montgomery and Dr. Paige Johnson, Capstone College of Nursing. Title: Community-Engaged Scholarship: Meeting Nursing Clinical Requirements while Improving Community Health.

This research poster on AIDS stigma reduction was presented by Dr. Bronwen Lichtenstein in partnership with West Alabama AIDS Outreach.

This research poster on AIDS stigma reduction was presented by Dr. Bronwen Lichtenstein in partnership with West Alabama AIDS Outreach.

Dr. Heather Pleasants, Center for Community-Based Partnerships. Title: Parent Leadership Academy.

Adriane Sheffield, Educational Psychology. Title: West Side Scholars Academy: Building Rapport and Relationships with Community Members.

Tina Sheikhzeinoddin and Owen Killeen, Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering. Title: Better Bamboo Bikes.

Tommie Syx, Center for Community-Based Partnerships, with Christopher Spencer, Center for Community-Based Partnerships. Title: AlabamaREAL (Real Entrepreneurship through Active Learning).

Calia A. Torres, graduate student supervised by Dr. Beverly Thorn, Department of Psychology. Title: A Community-University Partnership Investigates the Pain Experience of Hispanics Patients with Chronic Pain.

Fan Yang, graduate student, School of Social Work/Center for Community-Based Partnerships. Title: Heart Touch Program.