Month: February 2019

Social Activist Asa Gordon to Present 2019 Realizing the Dream Lecture

[ua_row class=”row”][ua_col class=”col-md-3″] [/ua_col] [ua_col class=”col-md-6″] By Diane Kennedy-Jackson Publications Coordinator Tuscaloosa, Alabama — Asa Gordon, founder and executive director of the Douglass Institute of Government, a Washington, D.C.-based educational think tank, the 2019 Realizing the Dream Lecturer, will present, “Realizing the Dream by Honoring the Voting Rights Legacy of the United States Colored Troops,”…

Legacy Awards Banquet Recognizes Three for Servant Leadership

[ua_row class=”row”][ua_col class=”col-md-3″] [envira-gallery id=”4671″] [/ua_col] [ua_col class=”col-md-6″] By Kirsten J. Barnes CCBP Graduate Fellow On Jan. 18, as part of this year’s Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Realizing the Dream celebration, ABC News “Nightline” co-anchor and Emmy award-winning journalist Byron Pitts delivered an inspiring address to an overflow audience in Sellers Auditorium in the…

Transcript of Remarks by Byron Pitts, Realizing the Dream Legacy Banquet, January 18, 2019 at The University of Alabama, in Sellers Auditorium, Bryant Conference Center

(Editor’s note: In a speech punctuated by frequent applause, “amens” and other expressions of appreciation, journalist Byron Pitts kept the 2019 Legacy Banquet audience involved throughout. And although he brought some scribbled notes with him to the podium, he referred to them just once. Dr. Edward Mullins, who has introduced every speaker in the series,…