Lane McLelland Named Capstone Hero for Embodying Spirit of the Capstone Creed

Senior Jessie Ashton presents  Capstone Heroes Award to Lane McLelland.

Senior Jessie Ashton presents
Capstone Heroes Award to Lane McLelland.

Lane McLelland, director of Crossroads Community Center since 2013, has been named a Capstone Hero for outstanding service to students.

The award recognizes her work in strengthening Sustained Dialogue and her role in founding Blend, a student organization that promotes diversity. She was also cited for being willing to sit down with students to help them deal with their problems, whatever they might be.

“Lane McLelland has brought a spirit and enthusiasm to Crossroads that has indeed made a difference in so many aspects of life on campus and in the community,” said Dr. Samory T. Pruitt, vice president for Community Affairs, the division that oversees Crossroads Community Center. “We congratulate Lane for her excellent work that has brought honor not only to her but to our entire campus.”

The award, given by the Office of Student Conduct in the Division of Student Affairs, honors those who embody the spirit of the Capstone Creed, which reads: “As a member of The University of Alabama Community, I will pursue knowledge; act with fairness, honest, and respect; foster individual and civic responsibility; and strive for excellence.”

“Having received an honor for something I know others more clearly deserve has made me profoundly aware of the importance of finding a way to thank the many heroes I encounter in my work at UA. Their untold efforts and ongoing devotion to the University make so much possible for us all,” McLelland said on receiving the award.

The purpose of Capstone Heroes is to highlight service and positive actions of members of the UA campus. For more, go to